Frequently asked questions
I’ve not had counselling before what can I expect ?
Counselling is for everyone, no matter what you are struggling with and can change your life.
Counselling provides a confidential space where you can explore your thoughts , feelings and memories around an issue or help you explore why you feel dissatisfied or unfulfilled with your life. You will feel heard, less alone and not judged.
What can you help me with ?
Counselling can help you with any problem. Sometimes it can be really difficult talking to friends or family about your problems because there might be things that you don’t want them to know about, you might fear that they will not understand or you just don’t want to burden them. I am here to listen.
I specialise in working with bereavement, either recent or historic, including sudden and traumatic death, complex loss, multiple losses, loss to suicide, issues in pregnancy and baby loss, and pet loss.
I also work with more general loss / change and relationship issues.
How often will I need counselling ?
Ideally we will have the introductory session in person and we will start with weekly sessions at a regular day and time each week, allowing us to develop a therapeutic relationship.
After the first six sessions we can review our work together and go forward on a weekly basis or make the decision to space out your sessions to every other week or once a month.
How many sessions will I need ?
That is down to you, depending on what has brought you to counselling and what you are hoping to achieve from counselling. Therapy can be short, medium or long-term. When you feel ready to finish your counselling just let me know.
Grief/loss is different for everyone but I find that six sessions typically meets most peoples needs. Counselling around other issues such as anxiety or depression, or relationship difficulties may also require just a few sessions to talk about the problem and get things off your chest. Whereas other issues such as trauma may require long term work to challenge long held beliefs about yourself / patterns of behaviour.
How much do you charge ?
The introductory session is half price, so £25 for 50 minutes.
This must be paid at the time of booking to ensure that the slot you have booked is not released to someone else.
After that sessions are £50 and last for 50 minutes.
I also offer some subsidised slots for students without a regular income and those on low income in receipt of benefits. Contact me if you would like to discuss a reduction. You will not be judged for asking, I understand that everyone’s circumstances are different.
Payment can be made by BACs before the session or cash at the end of the session.
Please advise me of any cancellations in advance, as soon as possible. Cancellations made less than 24 hours in advance will incur a £20 fee. Missed appointments with no contact are payable in full.
Where are you located ?
I see my clients for face to face sessions in our converted barn annexe in a rural village which is 20 minutes drive from Salisbury, Ringwood, Shaftesbury and Wimborne, 30 minutes from Bournemouth and Poole and just 10 minutes from Blandford.
When I was having counselling I found that the drive there gave me time to think about what I would like to talk about in the session and the drive back allowed me to reflect on our session and think further about what we had discussed.
Do you offer online or telephone counselling ?
Yes, I do. It is entirely up to you to decide how you would like to receive therapy.
When we agree to work together over the telephone I will call you at the pre-arranged time and day.
For my online sessions I use Zoom. I will email you a link that you click on which will take you to our session. You will be able to use the same link each week.
As the counselling will take place while you are at home or at work, please ensure that you are in a confidential space. If possible wear headphones so that no-one can overhear me talking to you.
What happens in the introductory
session ?
The introductory session is about us both getting to know each other. It’s about me understanding what has brought you to counselling and what you want to get out of it and it’s about you understanding how I work and deciding whether you will comfortable working with me.
During the introductory session I will carry out an assessment, so I will record personal details such as address, date of birth, next of kin. I will also take a history of health related problems and any relevant medication that you might be taking. I might also talk to you about suicide, self harm and general risk.
I will also ask you about what support network you have ( if any ) and explore your coping strategies ( what you are finding helpful / what does not help at all ). I will ask you about the family you were born into ( about your parents, number of siblings and birth order ) and about your own family ( whether you are married, single, have children ). I might also briefly explore your childhood, including your school years and ask about your current work, including any work stresses. This all helps me get an understanding of your life.
We will then explore briefly what has brought you to counselling and what you want to get out of counselling.
It is important that you feel comfortable and relaxed with your Counsellor. So at the end of the session I am happy to schedule another session or you are free to go away and think about it.
Occasionally I might feel that I am not the right Counsellor for you and the issues that you are looking to deal with in which case I will try and help you find someone better suited.
What happens in subsequent sessions ?
Counselling is tailored to the individual. No two clients are the same so differences in the therapeutic style and approach will be required.
You can expect to discuss recent events but also your past, key relationships from childhood to present, your belief system and the rules from which you operate. But don’t worry, all this will be explained to you as we go along and I will go at your pace. There might be some things that you do not want to discuss initially or at all but when you are ready, I will go there with you. As our work continues I might challenge what makes you feel uncomfortable / certain behaviours but this will always be done in a supportive environment without judgement.
Do I need to tell my GP if I attend ?
In most cases it is not necessary to tell your GP that you are having counselling. But if you are currently receiving any other counselling or psychiatric care then additional counselling should always be discussed with your current care provider as it is not generally advisable to have more than one type of counselling at a time.
I will ask you to provide me with your GP’s details during your assessment but I will only contact your GP if you were at risk of harming yourself or others, or if you specifically asked me to. I would always aim to do this with your knowledge and consent but this is not always possible and is determined by the type and level of risk.
Do you have to tell my family or employer if I attend ?
Your confidentiality is of the utmost importance and I will never divulge that you are having counselling or release your records to anyone unless specifically required by law or if you posed a risk to yourself or someone else. If this were the case I would always seek to discuss a required breach of confidentiality with you personally prior to action, where possible.
I will never disclose information to your employer or a third party unless specifically requested by you personally.